TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: hi
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Subject Re: hi
Posted by Tech@EPR on January 02, 2010 at 6:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 434 times.
In Reply To hi posted by aliaZ on January 01, 2010 at 11:10 PM
Message Thats because I'm one of the very few that tears down/machines/cleans and assembles their own engines. can't say that for any of the other ones. I know many of the vendors here don't build he engines they sell. So they can't speak of what they don't do. I have complete control over the entire build from start to finish. thats the beauty of what i do and the quality of my work. You honestly can't say that about any other engine out there that is offered.

I can't make my customers come on forums and speak for me. They speak if they want. My work speaks for itself Don. Ask Mark Brandyberry, he's been to my location he's physically seen my work and progress. While I'd love to have my customers come on here to talk about their experiences I'm not going to let that deter me from continuing my work. Working for a racing company that builds some of the best engines in the country has credibility to it Don. I know you may have been burned in the past but that doesnt mean what I say or do doesn't work or is the wrong way. Please don't compare me with your bad experiences as you've never had any work done by me. A bit premature to assume or compare. Everything I've done and am doing is working and working phenomenally

I'm not coming off as being arrogant Don...believe me i've seen my fair share coming from not only you but a few others on here as well, but I'm extremely confident in my work and builds. I take extreme pride in what I do for customers. All I can do Don is keep doing my work and show the community that my way works and is proven. I'm not going to sit and defend my ways when my ways are working quite well but my customers choose not to speak about them. I can't make them talk ya know.

you can believe what you want to with the way you feel things need to be but I'm here to tell you that i've been around quite a while and beyond the obvious bullshit I've had in the past I've been involved with building engines for a long time. Just in the past 5 years I've stepped up my approach and began to deepen my work and efforts. They are working wonders because of it.

I wont come on here and state my build practices and clearances as already ppl are copying details of my work and advertising and doing as if they are the ones that came up with the idea. I've done a lot of new work Don that even when I owned AMZ paved a new way in the Z community. I dont need to show real data to know my pump flows more volume percentage wise. Its just simple math of area and cross section that can be calculated for the increase in flow. Its quite expensive to setup and record data on flow from an oil pump. if you have an idea of how to test it i'm all for getting help.

My statements and work while still working on customers engines should be more than enough proof in my details and work. Nearly every vendor catering to teh Z community states info but rarely has any info to back up the the point of spending X amount of dollars to prove my statement is a little hard man. Its much easier for me to build something and run it than try and do an isolated test on something. Racing is all about real world tests not a isolated testing cell.

All I can say to you Don is get to know me and how I work and i think you will see what I do really is different than anything out there. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. My proof is in the engines I build and the power they make. Again I can't make them come online and praise and speak up about me but rest assure I've had zero complaints or customers coming back with engine issues. I'm VERY thorough. feel free to give me a call or stop by to talk whenever man..but if I didn't have anything factual or important to say on here I wouldn't both posting. you notice I don't speak on anything else on here really...just engine parts/builds. Hell when ppl look for comparisons on parts I'm usually the one to reply with images and data to show differences. I can do a lot and show a lot and teach a few things but you have to understand that some things I won't go into as its how I make a living.

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